JEREMIAH 33:14-16
14The days are surely coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. 15In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. 16In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. And this is the name by which it will be called: "The LORD is our righteousness."Luke 1:5-24 John’s Birth Announced to Zacharias
I don't have a template, but here are some steps that might help write the prayer of confession each week:
1. Start with the passage from Jeremiah. The Call to Worship will be based on this passage, and I don't know whether people really realize it or not, but the prayer of confession is always a continuation of the Call to Worship, so start with the passage from Jeremiah and identify key terms or phrases that resonate with you: "he shall execute justice and righteousness", "a righteous branch shall spring up"
2. Then I ask myself, "am I a good example of what the passage is talking about?", meaning, "do I execute justice and righteousness?" "am I like a righteous branch?"
3. If I'm not, then I need to say why: "because I've been more interested in riches than righteousness" "I've executed convenience rather than justice..."
4. Come to a point where you can pause for silence
5. Then sum up what you're saying for the last line
Looking at some old bulletins might be helpful.
Good luck!
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