Monday, June 10, 2013

Discussion June 16, 2013 Cosmos

This past Sunday we all met in the Fellowship Hall for the 1st session from the, "Being Reformed" study guide. The topic, "Faith Seeking Understanding...Through Science" kicked off the Summer series with an enlightening dialogue on how the Bible is utilized by "reformed" Christians, Christians that take the Bible literally, atheists and scientists.

This week, we look at Session , "Cosmos." Corresponding Scriptures are:

Psalm 136

1 O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever. 
2 O give thanks to the God of gods,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever. 
3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever; 

4 who alone does great wonders,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever; 
5 who by understanding made the heavens,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever; 
6 who spread out the earth on the waters,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever; 
7 who made the great lights,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever; 
8 the sun to rule over the day,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever; 
9 the moon and stars to rule over the night,
   for his steadfast love endures for ever; 

Mark 13:31

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. 

For Consideration:
-Why is the sight of stars so inspiring?
-Does the age of the universe make any difference to Christians?
-If life were found somewhere out in space would you find this exciting or frightening?