For Consideration
-Have you made your New Year's Resolutions?
I don't have a template, but here are some steps that might help write the prayer of confession each week:
1. Start with the passage from Jeremiah. The Call to Worship will be based on this passage, and I don't know whether people really realize it or not, but the prayer of confession is always a continuation of the Call to Worship, so start with the passage from Jeremiah and identify key terms or phrases that resonate with you: "he shall execute justice and righteousness", "a righteous branch shall spring up"
2. Then I ask myself, "am I a good example of what the passage is talking about?", meaning, "do I execute justice and righteousness?" "am I like a righteous branch?"
3. If I'm not, then I need to say why: "because I've been more interested in riches than righteousness" "I've executed convenience rather than justice..."
4. Come to a point where you can pause for silence
5. Then sum up what you're saying for the last line
Looking at some old bulletins might be helpful.
Good luck!